
No. 158 MCC Road, Owerri, Imo State.

0803 773 5517


Appreciation from Hon. Tony C. Nwulu MHR


1.  let me on behalf of my principal, Sen.Athan Nneji Achonu express our deepest appreciation to all Imolites (Ndi Imo), party faithfuls, supporters, stakeholders, well wishers and indeed men and women of goodwill for their unflinching support before, during and after the just concluded Imo Governorship elections.

2. There’s no doubt that you have turned out enmasse to exercise your franchise, and although the result didn’t go our way as expected, we are optimistic that the process is not yet over.

3. We’re determined to pursue this rape of the democratic process foisted upon the good people of Imo state by some compromised security deployment and some black-foot amongst the electoral officers.

4. We have before the commencement of this election alerted the good people of Imo state on the intelligence at our disposal that some compromised officers in the electoral commission have sold out the original results sheet across the 27 Local Government Areas and these result sheets have been pre-filled with the results that were eventually announced given a phantom victory to the All progressive Congress(APC).

5. We will in consultation with relevant party leaders and stakeholders communicate our next line of action.

6. We therefore want to assure our supporters, party leaders, faithfuls, and well wishers that despite this setback, we are committed to a greater Imo state.

7. God bless you all!

Hon Tony C. Nwulu MHR
Deputy Governorship candidate
Labour Party(LP)
Imo state.

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Owerri, Imo State.
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)