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Why I’m Running

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Why I’m Running for Governor

On November 11, 2023, imo citizens would have the opportunity to elect a new governor to steer the affairs of the state for another constitutional term of four (4) years beginning January 15, 2024.

Against the background of recent massacre of innocent citizens, kidnapping and the wanton destruction of property in our dear state, the forthcoming election would provide Imolites an opportunity to reverse the current trajectory of inept and ineffective governance that has practically destroyed the hopes and aspirations of our people.

As widely acknowledged, the basic indices for measuring human development have largely been in retrogression. Befoire the advent of the APC administration, Imo was a very peaceful and progressive State on the threshold of economic resurgence and prosperity. Unfortunately, we have witnessed in the recent past a descent to anarchy and lawlessness that has turned vast swathes of our homeland into abandoned spaces for criminality.

Today, Ndi Imo no longer visit their villages and traditional ceremonies such as burials and weddings now hold outside the homeland.

As a consequence, the economy of Imo State has totally collapsed resulting in capital flight, divestment and business failures. Our healthcare delivery system remain severely challenged and incapable of providing access to affordable care for our people.

Whereas Imo State was recognised as a Centre of Excellence in Education, the State’s age-long reputation as the citadel of scholarship and learning has been completely eroded with the state now in an unenviable position of having the least level of investment in education amonst the state in the South East and ranking 35th out of the 36 states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This represents the worst performance in the history of the state and that of the entire South East.

Across the three Senatorial Zones are decrepit rural and urban roads that symbolize the infrastructure deficit that the State has faced under the APC Government.

“Youth unemployment has assumed a worrisome and unprecedented dimension with jobless fueling a recourse to crime and drug addiction by vulnerable young people and in virtually all conceivable sectors
-hospitality/Tourism, Food and Energy Security, Industrialization, etc,.
– the State has largely under-performed despite its endowments and potentials.”

Tackling the development challenges arising from this parlous state of affairs requires a new type of leadership attuned to the realities of the people’s existence and capable of galvanizing them in a new direction. The leadership that the people yearn for must be capable of restoring trust in governance and building a consensus on the way forward. I dare say that confronting the myriad of challenges we now face requires honest, bold and courageous leadership committed to the people’s welfare and overriding interest.

I have painstakingly reflected on the current challenges facing our state and equally sought an understanding of what needs to be done to reverse that trajectory of inept leadership and governance that has befallen us as a people.

The office of Governor is one that comes with a lot of responsibilities. Principally, it is a role that seeks to pull the people together in the direction that would enable the collective pursuit of their welfare. The position requires a consensus builder with an understanding of what needs to be done to provide effective governance in all sphere of the people’s life.

All through my life, I have been committed to the welfare and interest of those I have come across.

“In addition, over the past fifteen years, I have been in the vanguard of AKU RUO ULO philosophy and to which end I have committed my personal resources to the industrialization of imo state.”

My commitment to the common good has never been in doubt and it is my utmost belief that given the opportunity and privilege to serve you as Governor, I would be completely dedicated to the development of our dear State by creating sustainable pathways and the enabling environment for the return normalcy tot the security situation in Imo State, thus paving the way for increased investment in Igbo land. This is what I intend to offer.

“In response to the desire of our people for a patriotic and selfless leadership committed to their security and welfare, I senator Athan Nnejilenanim Achonu have made decision to present myself for consideration as Governor of Imo State in the next election.”

May I, therefore, humbly solicit your support as I embark on this historic journey to serve our people.

LP Governorship Candidate – Imo State.


Owerri, Imo State.
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)